August 31 Update

August 31, 2021

The district would like to notify you that there have been several students in each of the building sites that have tested positive for COVID.  As of today, we have 18 positives and 48 quarantines across the district. We have been in contact with our local health department in each case and have followed their guidance related to quarantines. Quarantined and Isolated students will move to Distance Learning during their quarantine periods. 

We are working diligently to ready hotspots for Distance Learning pickup. Please notify your principal if you are in need of a hotspot and to make arrangements for checkout and pickup.  Elementary students in distance learning who are having issues with Chromebooks, please contact your principal to make arrangements for a replacement and hotspot pickup.

We want to thank you for your patience during these trying and difficult times. We understand everyone's frustration with the quarantines, we are trying to do what is best for our students, staff, and families.

Pleaes monitor your student and if you notice any unusual symptoms please take caution and remain home. We also want to take this time to reiterate the importance of following guidance from the OK State Department of Health that best practices would be to wear a mask, wash your hands, and socially distance when possible.