We would like to have the opportunity to offer a parent workshop for anyone who might be interested in learning additional parenting or teaching techniques for their child(ren). We would like to offer a class for a few weeks this Fall that would target techniques such as: raising responsible kids, Love and Logic strategies, giving control through choices, and providing opportunities for thinking. We would also like to help with any additional areas such as understanding how to use Google Classroom and other technology that our students are using, academic or social/emotional resources, and career resources.
Most of the parenting tips or strategies that will be discussed will be from a book called “Becoming a Love and Logic Parent” by Jim Fay, Foster W. Cline, M.D., and Charles Fay, Ph.D.
Our goal is to help provide resources for parents and inspire parents to keep investing in their children.
The Parent Workshop class will be held on November 3, 10, and 17, 2021, in the Elementary Cafeteria. It will be scheduled from 8:15 am-9:00 am. Arrangements can be made for childcare if needed. Please let us know if you will be needing child care services for children who are not school age. We want to make sure we have child care arrangements set up if needed. If you are interested in attending these workshops, we would greatly appreciate your information being returned by October 29, 2021, to Kristan Slovak.
Would you like more information about the upcoming parent workshop?________________
How would you prefer us to contact you?________________________________________
Phone number ____________________________________________________________
Other topics you would like to learn more about:__________________________________
Name(s) of child(ren) attending Comanche Public Schools:_________________________