The Comanche Board of Education met in a regular session on October 12, 2021.
The board approved various routine consent agenda items which included the approval of the September regular and special meeting minutes. The treasurer’s report, supplemental appropriations, activity fund report, and encumbrances were also approved. The board also approved a contract with Platinum Cleaning for janitorial services at the elementary.
Retired former Comanche Teacher Mary Smith was hired as an Outreach/Family Support Specialist. This will be a new position for the district. The position will be funded for the next three years through a grant. Mrs. Smith will facilitate positive family-school relationships through a parent and student engagement program. She will assist in supporting the student’s social and academic success. The Outreach/Family Support Specialist will focus on student attendance, school success, and outreach referrals. This position will be an added layer in conjunction with our increased counseling services and Advocacy Program to help students and families.
Mrs. Bills reported that the October Professional Development day will be utilized to review site-specific safety plans and procedures.
Superintendent Bills reported that the district has minimal staff and students in quarantine and that October parent-teacher conferences were conducted through a blend of virtual, phone, and in-person formats. Bills reported on the accomplishments of Softball, Cross Country, Football, Band, and the Academic team.
In other business, drop-off and breakfast procedures at the elementary school were discussed with patrons who had submitted a request to address the board.