Dear Comanche Community:
With this letter, I would like to officially begin our new school year and welcome you once again to an exciting year helping young people grow.
We have been working all summer, gearing up for an incredible new school year. Many layers of safety have been put in place to protect everyone’s well-being in our school. The district has partnered with the city to have a school resource officer on campus and completed other security measures requested.
A series of federal waivers initially passed at the onset of the pandemic lapsed in June and are no longer providing funding to maintain free meals for all students. Unfortunately, we will have to charge for meals this year.
Even if you think your family doesn’t qualify or your student doesn’t eat with us, please complete the FREE/REDUCED LUNCH application anyway.
Students: Fullprice Breakfast: $1.80 Lunch: $2.80
Reduced Breakfast $0.30 Lunch: $0.40
Free Breakfast $0.00 Lunch $0.00
With the beginning of the year fast approaching, there are a few important dates I want to share with you
Monday, August 8: 9-10 student enrollment pick up from 9:00-12:00
Tuesday, August 9: 11-12 students enrollment pick up from 9:00-12:00
Monday, August 15: New teacher Orientation, Elementary Collaboration Lab
Substitute Training 2:00-2:30, Elementary Collaboration Lab
Tuesday, August 16: Certified and Support Staff Inservice
Wednesday, August 17: Certified and Support Staff Inservice -
Tuesday, August 16: Elementary Meet the Teacher: Kindergarten - 2nd Grade 5:30-6:30
3rd - 5th grades7:00-8:00
PREK the week of the 22nd
Thursday, August 18: HS/MS Open House 5:00 -7:00
Monday, August 22, 8:00 First Day of School 8:00
On our website, you can review our Continuing to Learn Plan and Distance Learning Handbook, which outlines protocols for the coming year, there have been a few changes. These plans can be accessed at
The success of our staff and students is our focus and mission. We look forward to seeing you soon! Here is to an exciting 2022-23 school year!