The Comanche Board of Education met in a regular session on Tuesday, September 13, 2022.
The board approved various routine consent agenda items, including the minutes of the August board meeting, activity fund reports, 2022-2023 activity fundraisers, and the treasurer’s report. The board also approved the School-Wide Title I Plan. The board also approved General Fund, Child Nutrition Fund, Co-Op Fund, and Building Fund encumbrances.
The board also approved the 2022-2023 Estimate of Needs presented by Finance Director Terry Davidson. He provided a history of the Estimate of Needs document and its purpose. He also shared details concerning how he works with the auditor to determine the overall district's financial needs for the upcoming year. Mr. Davidson advised the board of fund balances in the General Fund, Child Nutrition Fund, Building Fund, and Co-Op Fund.
Superintendent Julie Bills reported that the current student enrollment is 903. Mrs. Bills shared that while the district showed an increase in enrollment last year from the previous year, there is a decline of 43 students this year as compared to last, but consistent with FY 21. Currently, 20 students are participating in the HS virtual academy with several of those being blended students. Bills reported that class sizes at all sites are at optimal levels. Currently, we have 20 students participating in the virtual academy, and several of those are blended.
Four concurrent classes offered through Cameron on the CHS campus include 2 College Algebras, 1 General Psychology, and 1 section of English Comp with 16 of the 28 concurrent students taking advantage of this opportunity. Bills said she hopes this option will allow a greater number of students the opportunity to take concurrent classes and hopes that more classes will be offered next semester. There are 40 students who are attending the Red River Career and Technology Center in various programs. Bills also reported that based on community input the ACT will be used as the district's testing mechanism. The district earned full accreditation for the upcoming school year with no deficiencies.
CPS has had four local businesses donate towards new scoreboards and installation for the softball and baseball fields. Thirsty’s, Edgewood, Delbert’s, and Red Plains Grand Butchery (the new processing plant) have all donated a minimum of $5,000.00 each. Evans Welding is donating services towards installation. Bills said she is thankful for the community support for our programs and students.
In other business, the board accepted the resignation of high school secretary Anita Montgomery and hired Sandra Mitchell as the assistant girl's basketball coach. Mrs. Mitchell will also serve as a bus driver and a paraprofessional.